1,258,960 research outputs found

    The poverty of contractarian moral education

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    In A Theory of Moral Education, Michael Hand claims that a directive moral education that seeks to persuade children that a particular conception of contractarian morality is justified can be undertaken without falling foul of the requirement not to indoctrinate. In this article, we set out a series of challenges to Hand’s argument. First, we argue that Hand’s focus on ‘reasonable disagreement’ regarding the status of a moral conception is a red-herring in this conception. Second, we argue that the endorsement of moral contractarianism and the prohibition on indoctrination pull in different directions: if contractarianism is sound, then teachers or governments should be less worried about indoctrination than Hand suggests. Third, we argue that moral contractarianism is mistaken; teachers should look elsewhere for guidance on the moral norms and principles towards which they should direct their pupils

    Attainable and Relevant Moral Exemplars Are More Effective than Extraordinary Exemplars in Promoting Voluntary Service Engagement

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    The present study aimed to develop effective moral educational interventions based on social psychology by using stories of moral exemplars. We tested whether motivation to engage in voluntary service as a form of moral behavior was better promoted by attainable and relevant exemplars or by unattainable and irrelevant exemplars. First, experiment 1, conducted in a lab, showed that stories of attainable exemplars more effectively promoted voluntary service activity engagement among undergraduate students compared with stories of unattainable exemplars and non-moral stories. Second, experiment 2, a middle school classroom-level experiment with a quasi-experimental design, demonstrated that peer exemplars, who are perceived to be attainable and relevant to students, better promoted service engagement compared with historic figures in moral education classes

    Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak pada Novvel Wedding Agreement Karya Eria Chuzaimiah

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    This study aims to describe and examine the value of moral education in the novel Wedding Agreement. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This novel has the theme of marriage through an arranged marriage. The subject in this research is Moral Education Value, while the object is the Wedding Agreement novel. the results of the analysis found the value of moral education towards God, namely (1) obeying God (belief in God, praying, praying, thanking), (2) being content with His provisions (ikhas), (3) putting your trust in Him (surrendering). . Furthermore, the value of moral education to creatures. The first is the value of moral education to parents, namely (1) saying politely, (2) respecting parents. The two values of moral education to friends are (1) affection, (2) asking how they are. Finally, the value of moral education on the association of the opposite sex, namely (1) avoiding adultery, (2) maintaining aurat. Keywords: Moral Education, Sastra, Novel Wedding Agreemen

    Implementasi Pendidikan Akhlak dalam Membentuk Kepribadian Muslim Peserta Didik

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    This study aims to (1) find out the moral education program in shaping the Muslim personality of students (2) find out the implementation of moral education in shaping the Muslim personality of students (3) find out the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of moral education. This study uses a qualitative approach. Research data were collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis. The results of the study reveal that: (1) Moral education programs are generally divided into two activities, namely intracurricular and extracurricular. (2) The implementation of moral education through moral education programs in intracurricular and extracurricular activities is realized in the form of programs and activities divided into four types, namely daily programs and activities, weekly programs and activities, monthly programs and activities, annual programs and activities. (3) The supporting factors for the implementation of moral education in shaping the Muslim personality of students are motivation, facilities and infrastructure, and the role of the principal. In this case, to optimize the results of the moral education program in shaping the personality of Muslim students, there must be good cooperation and responsibility between foundations, principals, teachers, students, supporting facilities and infrastructure. The inhibiting factor for the implementation of moral education in shaping the personality of students is the lack of student awareness

    Studi Komparasi Konsep Pendidikan Akhlak Menurut Ibnu Miskawaih Dan Hamka

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    This study analyzes the concept of moral education according to Ibnu Miskawaih and Hamka. The aim of this research is; (1) to find out the concept of moral education according to Ibnu Miskawaih and Hamka, (2) to find out the similarities and differences of the concept of moral education of Ibn Miskawaih and Hamka, (3) to determine the relevance of the concept of moral education by Ibnu Miskawaih and Hamka to education in the current era . This type of research is library research. The results showed that there were differences in the concept of moral education for Ibnu Miskawaih and Hamka, namely from the basics of moral education, the material used in moral education, and methods in moral education. However, there are also similarities in the concept of moral education according to Ibnu Miskawaih and Hamka, namely that both aim to shape the behavior, character, and character of a person who is of good value and has good morals where the behavior occurs spontaneously. Judging from the concept of moral education conveyed by Ibnu Miskawaih and Hamka, the concept of moral education is relevant to moral education in the current era


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    Abstract Moral education is a core component in the world of education. Because humans need not only knowledge but also religious spiritual strength to form a complete human being (insan kamil) in accordance with Islamic norms. One of the ways is through high-quality literary works, namely the novel Light in the corner of the Heart by Alberthiene Endah. This study aims to determine: 1) The values of moral education in relation to God. 2) The values of moral education in relation to oneself. 3) The values of moral education in relation to others. This research is a descriptive qualitative type of research, while the data used is in the form of verbal data in the form of dialogue between characters, narratives, signs that describe moral education, and quotes that describe moral education. The data analysis used in this research is content analysis. The results of this study include three things. 1) There are three values of moral education in relation to God, namely: faith in God, obedience to worship and gratitude. 2) There are ten moral values in relation to oneself, namely: honesty, responsibility, healthy lifestyle, discipline, hard work, confidence, entrepreneurial spirit, creative, independent and curiosity. 3) There are three moral values in relation to others, namely: being aware of one's obligations and of others, appreciating achievements and being friendly.Keywords: values, moral education, novel


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    SMA Plus Muthahhari come with the Living Values Activities program which is full of living values. The results showed: (1).The moral values education contents through LVA program consists of Personal Development Program,X-Day,Dirasah Islamiyyah; (2).The moral values education method through LVA program consists of using the general method, special method, integrated model; (3).The moral values education process through LVA program covering by the phase of Value Identification, Activity, Learning Aids, Interactions Unit, Segment and Evaluation; (4).The problem of Values Education through LVA Program is a complex moral value measurements, the rules of moral values is not Perfectly executed, the less time; (5).The follow-up moral values education problem through the LVA program: bring students on real life conditions that are different from their daily life, held a sustainable menu system, Improving communication between the parties, and optimizing moral values education quality

    Membentuk Kepribadian Muslim Peserta Didik Melalui Pendidikan Berbasis Akhlak

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    This research aims to (1) determine the moral education program in forming the Muslim personality of students (2) determine the implementation of moral education in forming the Muslim personality of students (3) identify factors that support and limit the process of forming a Muslim personality. This research uses a qualitative approach. Research data was collected through observation, interviews and document analysis. The research results show that: (1) Moral education programs are generally divided into two activities, namely intracurricular and extracurricular. (2) The implementation of moral education through moral education programs in activities inside and outside the school is carried out in the form of programs and activities which are divided into 4 types: programs, daily activities, weekly and monthly activities and annual activities. (3) Factors that support the implementation of moral education to shape students' Islamic character, namely motivation, physical facilities, facilities and the role of the school principal. In this case, to optimize the results of moral education programs in shaping the character of Muslim students, there must be good cooperation and accountability between institutions, school principals, and teachers, students, facilities and supporting facilities. The factor that hinders the implementation of moral education to shape students' personalities is the lack of student awareness

    Moral Value and Character Education Found In The Movie Upside-Down Magic

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    Moral values are very closely related to character education where the goal is to continuously shape and train individual abilities for self-improvement towards a better life.This journal discusses moral values and character education through the medium of a film entitled reverse magic at SMP Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Medan. This study aims to find moral values and character education in the film Upside-Down Magic and also to determine the relevance of moral values and character education contained in the film for class VIII students of SMP Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Medan. The type of research used is a type of qualitative research. The research instruments are note-taking and interviews. The source of the research data was the results of note taking obtained by students through watching films and interviews conducted by researchers with 21 grade VIII students and 2 teachers at SMP Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Medan. The results obtained by the researcher proved that there were moral values and character education that were found by the students themselves in the film entitled Upside-down magic and were proven to be relevant to students which were obtained through interviews with 21 students and 2 teachers. As for the implementation process, the researcher gave instructions to students to be able to discover moral values and character education for themselves in the Reverse magic film by showing the film directly to students.The results of this study have an impact on character education, namely increasing students' motivation to pay more attention to their character. Students are also inspired to apply moral values and character education in everyday life such as never giving up, discipline, courage and perseverance
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